The story of Darin McLoud has been a feature of Cognitive Hypnotherapy over the last year because he’s been such a potent symbol of transformation. At forty years old many people pretty much conclude that they are who they’re going to be, and yet he demonstrates that we make a choice about who are every waking day – and that we can control that choice.
Weight loss is a particularly potent and visible symbol of change, and I find with the great majority of people I work with that, for people who are greatly overweight, the fat represents something else at an emotional level, whether it’s protection, safety, or rebellion, or where food substitutes for company, or comfort or love. By changing this unconscious equivalence food becomes just another part of life, but that’s actually only the small part of the change. With Cognitive Hypnotherapy we don’t just sever the limiting equivalence, we recycle it into a positive one, so that losing weight begins to mean something meaningful to the client – and creates a transformation in their sense of self. Every pound of weight lost leads to a growth in their confidence and the possibility of what they could do with their life to make it more enjoyable.
In Darin’s case he’s gone from a fat target of ridicule to an inspiration. Kids who used to shout abuse at him in his street now wave at him as he runs past. Darin’s discovered a secret: we all have what we need within us to be who we want to be. Extraordinary people are just ordinary people doing extraordinary things, it’s by the actions we take that we become who we can have the most fun being.
In this article Darin talks about his own transformation.
Slimpods and our network of great Cognitive Hypnotherapists are helping many people, and I’m very proud of that, not just because they’re slimmer, but because they’re living happier lives.
I think that is the beauty and also the challenge with Thinking Slimmer.
It is primarily a life changing product rather than a weight loss product. There is nothing else on the market that you can buy off the shelf that is such a powerful lifestyle changer.
It works amazingly well and surprises most people when they realise that weight loss becomes a secondary and almost forgotten issue and they rediscover their confidence, self esteem and passion for life.
Darin is a great showcase for this and indeed for Cognitive Hypnotherapy
Both Darin & the Slimpods have changed my life. I had given up on life, my days seemed empty and grey, i had nothing to look forward to, hated myself and my life. Nothing seemed worthwhile. I was on the verge of going to the doctors and asking to be put on anti-depressants because life seemed ‘that bad’! A couple of months after re-committing to listening to the pods everyday and my life has completely changed. I’m losing weight and have taken up running – even going so far as to enter my first ever 5k event and yesterday i signed up for the Great South Run! I now believe that life is worth living and anything is possible. Not so much Slimpod as Lifepod!